Friday, 30 October 2015


By MacPherson Mukuka

Retired Teacher and former Trade Unionist ROY MWABA, together with top two Opposition Rainbow Party Lusaka province official s have joined the Ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

Announcing his decision to join the party in Lusaka on Friday October 30, 2015, Mr. Mwaba said his has joined the party after thorough consultation with other political leaders from different political parties.

Mr. Mwaba, who is the immediate past Secretary General of the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions says he wants to contribute to the development of Zambia at a different level.

He said his decision to join the party was inspired by the holding the National day of prayer, fasting and reconciliation declared by President Edgar Lungu on October 18, 2015.

Mr. Mwaba, and Church elder was accompanied by his two daughters and his Pastor PANJI CHIPETA said he has been blessed by his family, and church and therefore believes his decision is Godly.
He said he believes the Patriotic Front has the will and Vision to redeem Zambia from its current economic and social problems.

Mr. Mwaba added that the current situation requires consented efforts because President Lungu and his party cannot solve the problem on their own.

Meanwhile, Defecting Rainbow Party Lusaka Province Chairperson MWICHE MULENGA says he has decided to come back to his old party because it is a party for all Zambians.

He says the Patriotic Front is known across the country because of the unifying message President Lungu has been preaching wherever he goes.

            And in receiving the new members, PF Secretary General DAVIES CHAMA says the members have joined the party because they have seen the fruits of the party and its Government.

            He said the direction President Edgar Lungu has taken to rule Zambia based on Christian principles is what is attracting new membership.

            Mr. Chama has also promised the new members of good care and protection by the party adding that more are yet to join the party because of its good leadership.

Thursday, 29 October 2015


By MacPherson Mukuka

Local Government and Housing Minister STEVEN KAMPYONGO says government will continue providing leadership and mobilizing resources as investors to promote access to housing and provision of infrastructure services in unplanned settlements.

Speaking during the opening of a Two Day National Slum Upgrading Conference, Mr. KAMPYONGO says Government will continue creating an enabling Environment that will allow for various stakeholder participation in making the cities and towns more efficient, productive, cleaner and greener for improved health and sustainable development.

Mr. KAMPYONGO says Government recognizes the huge task it has to upgrade the existing unplanned settlements, and hence welcomes the private sector to supplement government’s efforts in improving the lives of the majority Zambians living in slums.

 He says Government has developed the slum upgrading strategy which will guide the local authorities to upgrade existing settlements with basic infrastructure services.

 Meanwhile, People’s Process on Housing and Poverty- Zambia Country Coordinator NELSON NCUBE says the growing population of the poor living in city slum settlements means that urban poverty needs to be specifically targeted if national poverty is to be reduced.

 Mr. NCUBE says ignoring urban challenges may create uncontrollable social and political upheavals that have already started manifesting in some urban areas.

 He says inclusivity entails that poor urban settlements in cities should be given attention and planning efforts should endeavor to embrace them.

Saturday, 17 October 2015


*World Food Day* (By MacPherson Mukuka)

Hundreds of Small Scale Farmers in Kanakantapa Village of Chongwe District in Lusaka Province on Friday, October 16th 2015, gathered at Farm 356 belonging to MARGARET CHISANGANO a lead farmer in the area to commemorate World Food Day.
Among the delegates were 8 Diplomats accredited to Zambia and 3 United Nations Agencies representatives and Senior Government officials.
The day was commemorated under the theme: Social protection, breaking the cycle of rural poverty, and saw a number of Civil Society Organisations spearheading social protection and nutrition related agendas.
Speaking during the event, Agriculture Deputy Minister MAXUS NGONGA said tackling poverty goes beyond the promotion of economic growth.
Mr. Ng’onga said this is why government under the Patriotic Front Administration devised ways aimed at supplementing farmer efforts in food production and end poverty in the country.
He said the launch of E-vouchers, social cash transfers and other farmer support programmes and meant to cushion the challenges being faced by rural farmers and vulnerable families.
The Deputy Minister noted that small scale farmers and farmers in general play a key role in ending poverty in the country.
He said, government has a vigorous project in line with the farmer input support programme FISP meant to expedite the provision of farming inputs to the farmers across the country.
And Host Farmer, MARGARET CHISANGANO, a small scale farmer explained that she has well benefited from farmer support programmes.
She said since joining farmer programmes at KASISI, she has managed to rise to the occasion and is now a lead farmer with 15 follower farmers in her area.
She further disclosed that annually, she manages to raise income amounting to over 1 hundred Thousand Kwacha which she makes from the sale of her farm products from 6 different agriculture practices.
Mrs. CHISANGANO added that she has decided to diversify her farming activities because of the challenges that have come with Climate Change.
The lead farmer also took time to urge her fellow farmer to work hard adding that it is through hard work that she has managed to be where she is today. 

And United Nation Agencies and Food organisations also gave the side of the story with regards to breaking the cycle of rural poverty.
United Nations Resident Coordinator JANET ROGAN said it is because of the hardworking farmers that the World celebrates such a day.
She said seeing one farmer (Mrs. Chisangano) managing 6 agricultural activities at a single farmer is an indication that Zambia has the potential to end hunger and subsequent end poverty.
Meanwhile, Food Agriculture Organisation- Zambia Country Representative GEORGE OKECH said over 60 countries out of the more than 160 countries have made strides in ending hunger.
He said there is potential that more countries will meet the MGD target of reducing hunger by the end of 2015.
Chongwe District was perfectly selected to host this year’s Zambian WFD celebrations because of its promising farmers in food production.
The area is second from Chipata District in terms of maize production, making it one of the top ten most maize producing districts in the Country.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015


By MacPherson Mukuka

Zambian Breweries says it will resume local production of its popular Castle Lite lager next year as a response to government’s decision to reduce excise tax on clear beer.

The company has announced an initial US$2 million investment in new packaging equipment to resume production, and is expecting to generate additional jobs in brewing, packaging and distribution of the brand.

Zambian Breweries Managing Director Annabelle Degroot said the decision to restore excise tax to its previous level has given the industry renewed confidence in market conditions.

She said action will stop illegal smuggling, adding that volumes will grow and the company will have a solid basis on which to invest in local manufacturing.

She said high excise tax provided an incentive for smuggling that resulted in Illegal imports of Castle Lite accounting for twice that of legally imported product.

Ms. Degroot said the reduced excise tax rate will drive Zambian Breweries’ investment in manufacturing in the country and have a knock-on effect in terms of additional employment, and increased purchase of barley from local farmers for the company’s new US$32 million malting plant being built at the Lusaka-South Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ).

She has indicated that local sourcing is a core part of the company’s strategy and the move by the government to reduce duty on clear beer will serve to reinforce the strategy.

She said in order to meet the demands of manufacturing Castle Lite in the country, the company will increase the amount of barley it purchases from local farmers.

Zambian Breweries had previously stopped manufacture of Castle Lite in Zambia as volumes fell below the critical 100,000 hectoliter level.

The company’s move comes in response to the government’s decision in the 2016 Budget to reduce excise duty on clear beer from 60 percent to 40 percent with effect from January 1 in order to spur local manufacturing, promote investment and curb smuggling.

Monday, 12 October 2015

ZAMBIAN BREWERIES BOOSTS SMALL TRADERS- New initiative aims to develop retailer skills

*By MacPherson Mukuka* (New initiative aims to develop retailer skills)

Small shopkeepers and bar owners look set to cash-in on a new initiative launched by Zambian Breweries that aims to give them the skills to grow their businesses.
The Mama Mpapa retailer development programme gives entrepreneurs an opportunity to expand their capacity and improve their output significantly.
Mama Mpapa is a Bemba term that depicts a parent-child relationship that grows over time and results in the productive independence of the child, and which entails supporting both family and community.
The Zambian Breweries programme is aimed at developing and nurturing small retailers, manual distribution centres (MDCs) and retailer taverns through targeted skills development in order to create an enabling environment for small businesses within urban and peri-urban areas across the country.
Retailers will have the chance to receive accredited business training at no cost, and will be able to earn accreditation points for redemption upon completion of training, allowing them to qualify for a mentorship programme in the second year of the programme.
The course will help them to benefit from strategies tailored to improve infrastructure, environment, health, water and education support where necessary
“Small retailers and manual distribution centres are critical to our business. They have direct contact with a large section of our population and may even be thought of as our middle men, in a sense. That’s why we’re excited about the Mama Mpapa programme. The transfer of skills is necessary for their success. And their success is our success and the community’s success. We are looking forward to replicating the success that we experience in Lusaka in other regions across the nation,” said Zambian Breweries Corporate Affairs Director Ezekiel Sekele.
In the current financial year the programme is targeting 600 small retailers, 60 per cent of whom are to be female.
Over the next five years, the programme will have undertaken training to more than 3,000 small enterprises in Zambia.
Modules to be covered include basic business principles, personal money management, running my beer business and responsible trading.
Source:  Langmead and Baker

Friday, 2 October 2015


 By MacPherson Mukuka in Lusaka 

The world’s single largest producing emerald mine - Kagem in Lufwanyama District – looks set to continue benefitting Zambia for the next 25 years, according to an in-depth technical study of its prospects by independent experts.
The estimated reserves at the mine reinforce the company’s potential long-term commitment to Zambia in the form of taxes and royalties, dividends, skills development, secure employment, and community support, said Kagem Mining Ltd, which is 75 per cent owned by London-listed Gemfields plc and 25 per cent by the Zambian government.
According to the report by UK-based mine analysts SRK Consulting, Kagem has a projected lifespan of 25 years with a combined measured, indicated and inferred mineral resource of 1.8 billion carats of emeralds and beryl expected over that period of time - an average of 44.7 million carats annually. With a carat being equal to 0.2 grams, the mine could yield up to 360 million grams or 360 tonnes of gemstones over the updated estimate of its projected future mine life.
“The Kagem team is dedicated to develop the full potential of the mine over the long-term, and with the necessary resources and the support of a continued stable legislative environment, we look forward to retaining our position as a global champion and Zambian flagship company within the coloured gemstone sector,” said Ian Harebottle, Gemfields Chief Executive Officer. “This will result in increased levels of employment, job security, skills development and additional benefits for the entire country such as increased foreign exchange generation, payment of taxes, creation of local wealth including contracts provided to local companies, and added support for community projects.”
Mining specialists from SRK Consulting made a comprehensive review of Kagem’s operations and analysed hundreds of core boxes in Kagem’s core library of sections drilled into the earth across the mine in order to build up a high-tech 3D geological model of the mine and evaluated the likely volume of emeralds available for long-term open-pit mining. It is this state-of-the-art computerised approach to coloured gemstone mining introduced by Gemfields that has transformed the project and enabled Kagem to constantly improve efficiencies and optimise returns at the mine.
According to the report Kagem would need to invest up to an additional US$84 million of capital expenditure in the mine over the next four or five years and a total of US$516 million over the life of the mine, thereby providing for an increase in the ore mining and processing capacity of the mine from the current 90,000 tonnes per year to 180,000 tonnes per year being projected for 2018, with the inclusion of the Fibolele pit.
Since Gemfields took over operation of the mine in 2008 it has invested US$60 million in turning Kagem around from its long history as a loss making mine to one where it has been able to increase achievable prices on the global markets tenfold and become one of Zambia’s larger taxpaying mining companies, contributing more than US$359 million to Zambia’s direct foreign earnings in the past few years alone.
Taxes paid to government are expected to grow during the life of the mine, in addition to  more than US$100 million of mineral royalties that could be generated, said the report
Responsible mining remains entrenched in Kagem’s approach to business, and with the added years of operations still ahead, the mine continues to translate its emerald success into tangible benefits for the community through its community development initiatives such as the Nkana Community Hospital and Chapula Secondary school currently under construction.
Kagem’s investment in developing local human capital has resulted in increased job security for its employees, who are now permanent and pensionable, as well as the development of future manpower. The company has just recently unveiled a US$345,000 scholarship program for geology and mining engineering students at the University of Zambia (UNZA) and Copperbelt University (CBU).
Mr Harebottle said: “Today’s updated resource statement highlights the long term opportunity that exists at our Kagem emerald mine in Zambia. As the first recorded Measured Mineral Resource and Proven Ore Reserve Statement for Kagem, and possibly the first of its kind across the entire global coloured gemstone sector, the significance of this report is not only a milestone event that bears testament to the quantity and quality of work carried out by SRK and the Gemfields team at Kagem, but also provides further evidence to the continued growth potential, positive momentum and considerable opportunity inherent within the open pit mine plan. This, together with various other expansion opportunities that are already at hand, the impact that our continued global marketing and promotional initiatives are expected to generate, provide me with high level of confidence in Gemfields’ ability to deliver against the considerable targets we have set ourselves.”

Source: Langmead and Baker 

Thursday, 1 October 2015


By MacPherson Mukuka

Provision of adequate and safe drinking water and sanitation in some parts of Lusaka still remains a challenge.
In Mandevu constituency, for instance, people still fetch water from shallow wells, and if they are to have the clean water, they have to walk long distances.

But the bucket- on -head business will soon come to an end as government and its stakeholders have moved in and has commissioned a 2 Million Kwacha Kabanana water supply project in Mandevu constituency.

The residents in the area are happy with the development. Those spoken expressed delight that the problem which was once a major hindrance to progression has been resolved.

“I am very happy as a resident of this township, we really faced challenges of water here, but now the coming of this project… will go a long way.” Said a Mr. Kasonde

Another one spoken to, a woman, said her days will now be spent in a meaningful manner because she won’t be spending all the time walking long distances to look for water.

"even water bone-diseases won’t be breaking out, because we have clean water now.” She said
And Mandevu area Member of Parliament JEAN KAPATA says Government is working hard to improve water infrastructure in some parts of Lusaka.

She has disclosed that government will soon embark on the construction of a new treatment plant in Kafue at a cost of 1 Hundred and 50 Million United States Dollars.

The law maker noted that Lusaka is currently facing water challenges arising from demand being higher due than production capacity.

She said the current water demand stands at 420 Million liters per day, but only 258 million liters is pumped to the city.

Ms. Kapata has indicated that once completed, together with a new water line to covering a stretch of 65 Kilometers from Kafue into Lusaka, the treatment plant will have the capacity to treat about 50 million liters of water per day.

And project Funders, Devolution trust Fund, DTF Manager SAMUEL GONGA says his Organisation attaches great importance to uplifting people’s lives.

“Financing the project will help alleviate of water the community is facing.” He said
Mr. Gonga added that Zambia is among the African countries that are fast becoming urbanized due to an increase in housing projects.

He noted that notwithstanding the developments, low income areas such as Kabanana are not serviced, while they are the ones characterized by high population densities.

Meanwhile, Lusaka water and Sewerage Company Managing Director GEORGE NDONGWE said the utility firm remains committed to ensuring that the people of Kabanana have access to safe and adequate water.

Conservation of Water, in this era of climate change should be a core principal of every beneficiary of the water and sanitation services being provided by the mandated authorities.

It will therefore be important for the people of Kabanana to guard the facilities with care if it is to stand the test of time.

THE WASTE THAT WILL KILL US... a disastrous waste disposal crisis.

By MacPherson Mukuka The state of waste disposal in Lusaka has reached alarming levels, and it is high time we addressed the growing environ...