Tuesday, 19 January 2016

CONCERN WORLDWIDE LAUNCHES Female Youth Livelihood and Nutrition enhancement project

*By MacPherson Mukuka in Lusaka*Concern WorldWide*

In a bid to address challenges facing adolescent women in rural areas, An Irish humanitarian non-governmental organisation has embarked on a 3 year project dubbed Female Youth Livelihood and Nutrition enhancement project aimed at improving the nutrition status and livelihood of young Zambian women in Western province.

Concern Worldwide Zambia Country Director DANNY HERVY says the project is targeting at empowering over 6 thousand 3 hundred young females who will be trained and mentored by 1 hundred and 60 peer leaders in income generating activities in the Agriculture sector.

Ms. DANNY says the young women in Western Province are faced with a number of challenges as they transition into adulthood.

She says adolescent women in the area become mothers at young ages a situation which poses a danger on both the young mothers and their infants.

She has expressed confidence that the project will have a positive impact on the lives of the young women in the area.

“We are confident that with such support and guidance, the project will have a positive impact on young women in Limulunga and Kaoma Districts.” Says Ms DANNY.

She further stated that her organisation is also anticipating that the project will give rise to interesting findings that can influence larger scale interventions such as on how to best reach adolescent girls with health services, an understanding of potential approaches to improve pre-conception nutrition and the effectiveness of life-skills in delaying conception.

Meanwhile, the Japanese government says it will continue supporting programmes that are capacity building and are aimed at encouraging women participation in society.   
Japanese ambassador to Zambia KIYOSHI KOINUMA says his government though the Japanese social development fund through the World Bank has so contributed over 660 Dollars towards the fund.

He says Japan attaches great importance to programmes that directly addresses the plight of African women adding that the government of Japan wants to see empowerment of women in Japan and in African.  

 MR. KOINUMA adds that the project, aims at improving the livelihood of young girls and women aged 10 to 24 through practical interventions.

“It will not only provide health and nutrition education, but will also establish demonstration gardens that produce micro nutrient rich crops and transfer skills in income generating activities.” Says ambassador KOINUMA

And Ministry of Health Director Technical Support Services KAMOTO MBEWE says the young females are among the most vulnerable groups in Zambia.

DR. MBEWE says the government is pleased to have organisations with a heart for young women like concern worldwide adding that government has no doubt that the organisation will execute the project successfully.

Meanwhile, DR. MBEWE has pledged government’s support towards that successful implementation of the project. 

Monday, 18 January 2016


By MacPherson Mukuka*in Lusaka*

Government says it is determined to put in place both hard and soft infrastructure required for accelerated development.

Speaking during the launch of the Patents and Companies Registration Agency PACRA online registration system, Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister MARGARET MWANAKATWE says while developing roads, power, telecommunications and other key infrastructure, government is mindful of the need to create platforms to facilitate business.

Mrs. MWANAKATWE added that government will continue with reforms necessary to create an environment for business to thrive, as well as a favourable investment climate.

She says the policy of the Patriotic Front is to level the playing field for both local and foreign business.

Meanwhile the Minister has hailed PACRA for launching an online business registration system.

She says registered businesses are an essential vehicle for commercial and industrial development adding that it is gratifying that PACRA is making business registration services available and affordable.

She says the PF government has prioritised industrialization and job creation and firmly believes that information technology is essential.

Meanwhile PACRA Chief Executive Officer ANTHONY BWEMBYA says the launch of the system is a product of government’s vision of reforming the business environment.

Mr. BWEMBYA says in 2011, the agency adopted a five year strategic plan with particular focus on modernising the registration processes and decentralisation of services.

He says the development of the online registration system has resulted in a complete overhaul and replacement of the registration system.

He has further indicated that the online registration system will allow the entire registration process to be done electronically. 

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