Saturday, 1 February 2025

THE WASTE THAT WILL KILL US... a disastrous waste disposal crisis.

By MacPherson Mukuka

The state of waste disposal in Lusaka has reached alarming levels, and it is high time we addressed the growing environmental catastrophe unfolding in our streets. 

A recent video by Remmy Mukonka paints a disturbing picture of the irresponsible disposal of plastic waste in our city. 

The footage exposes a crisis that has been ignored for far too long. This is a crisis that is not only harming our environment but also threatening the future of our children and the health of our planet.

I am so embarrassed and heartbroken to witness the carelessness with which we treat our surroundings. Plastic bottles, wrappers, and other forms of waste are discarded thoughtlessly, piling up in every corner, with little regard for the long-term consequences.

With the rain season at its peak, these plastics are swept down the streets, clogging drains and finding their way into streams on the outskirts of Lusaka. The result is nothing short of devastating floods, polluted water sources, and a choking ecosystem. 

The negligence exhibited in this video and the behavior it captures is a direct reflection of how broken our waste management system is and how greedy we have become  such that we can't pay for water and at least dispose it in designated places.

Our laws, or lack thereof, fail to hold polluters accountable, and this reckless disregard for the environment has become the norm rather than the exception. You will be too selfish to ignore the fact that we are on the brink of irreparably damaging the very planet that sustains us.

The 'polluter pays' principle must be more than just a catchphrase. If we are to win this deadly battle,  institutions tasked with the responsibility it must enforce with the urgency it deserves. 

We cannot afford to continue living as though we have an endless supply of resources and an infinite amount of time to clean up our mess. The reckless actions of a few are destroying the collective future of us all.

This is not just an issue for policymakers or environmentalists, and me and other in the media  doing everything possible to sensitize the public. 

This is a matter or urgent public importance and for every single one of us. We must all play our role in this destruction and be accountable for the world we leave behind.

It’s time to stop turning a blind eye to the ongoing destruction of Mother Earth. Let's take a stand for a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable future. Let us not wait until it’s too late to reverse the damage we have done.

Let us change our behavior, let us demand better waste management systems, and above all, let us remember that the future of our planet is in our hands.

Video by Remmy Mukonka 

THE WASTE THAT WILL KILL US... a disastrous waste disposal crisis.

By MacPherson Mukuka The state of waste disposal in Lusaka has reached alarming levels, and it is high time we addressed the growing environ...