Monday, 2 June 2014

Zambia launches first ever ITC policy evaluation project National report.

By MacPherson Mukuka
Zambia on Friday May 30th, 2014 joined the rest of the world in commemorating world no tobacco day and subsequently launched its first ever international tobacco control (ITC) policy evaluation project National report.

The report which is based on the 2012 survey findings is aimed at promoting evidence based strategies to fight the global tobacco epidemic.

The launch was preceded by a much past from north mead to Mulungushi conference centre where the rest of the activities were held.

Speaking during the launch, health deputy minister Chitalu Chilufya says tobacco is a risk factor that is fueling the new epidemic of non communicable diseases.

Dr. Chilufya further stated tobacco has of late caused a rise in the cost of providing health services to the people due to an increase in the number of NCDs.

And ITC Zambia evaluation project, principal investigator, Fastone Goma said in his presentation on the finding from the ITC survey in Zambia that the country has not done well in implementing policies on tobacco control.

Dr. Goma added that a number of smokers are willing to stop smoking but are not motivated by the price of tobacco, hence he called on the government to increase the tax on the price of the commodity.

Meanwhile, ITC evaluation project principle investigator, Prof. Geoffrey Fong in 2011 alone, 27 % of the deaths recorded were due to none communicable diseases which are as a result of smoke.

And the epilepsy association of Zambia expressed happiness at the launch of the report.
Association President Antony Zimba said, Smoking has an effect on epileptic patients because it hinders progress.

The theme on the day was increase tobacco taxes to reduce tobacco smoking.

If you are a smoker, you must be guilty of contributing to the death of over 600 thousand people in the world every year, due to the smoke from your cigarette. 

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