Friday, 28 November 2014

CSPR Launches Walk the Talk: End Poverty Campaign

By MacPherson Mukuka
The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) says poverty levels in Zambia have remained pervasive in the country with the overall incidence of suffering at about 60 percent while extreme poverty has remained stubbornly high at 42.3 percent.

CSPR Board Chairperson John Lijimu says Western and Luapula provinces have the highest rating at 81 percent in extreme poverty.

Mr. Lijimu has further indicated that the possibilities of Zambia to meet the targets stated under the Millennium Development Goals number one of halving extreme poverty by 2015 are no longer slim but impossible.

Mr. Lijimu has alleged that Government has failed to provide sufficient opportunities for citizens to meaningfully engage in national development process.

He said inadequate budget information and restrictions on public participation make it difficult for citizens to engage in exacting accountability form the leaders and representatives.

Mr. Lijimu adds that this has created a situation where citizens are cut off from meaningful decision making process that could be critical in realising the development agenda in Zambia and setting priorities for eradicating extreme poverty.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lijimu has disclosed that his organisation has launched a campaign dubbed WALK THE TALK: END POVERTY, with the aim of bringing to light the views and the voice of people living in poverty on issues that Government should take in alleviating their poverty situation through efficiency in budget execution and improved service delivery, especially in the agricultural sector.

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