Tuesday, 12 May 2015


By MacPherson Mukuka

The Zambia Weights and Measures Agency (ZW&MA) has advised motorists and the general public to the alert and ensure the get value for their money when buying fuel at filling stations.

Agency Public Relations Officer Diana Ngula tells MacPherson Mukuka in a telephone interview that there is need to motorists and the general public to also ensure that fuel pumps at the filling station have weights and measures stickers on them.

She said customers must further check and ensure that the pump meter reads zero before the fuel attendant begins to pump in the commodity in the vehicle.
“if you discover that the pump has no weights and measure sticker, ask the person in charge for the certificate of operation from Agency, and if there is none, report the matter to the agency.

Ms. Ngula added that the Agency prioritizes fuel measurements because it runs the economy saying anything that goes wrong with the fuel business has a direct bearing on the economy.

The public relations officer has further advised customers to be vigilant and see to it that they get what they deserve. She said customers have the right to request for the nozzle to be at zero rate before the attendant pumps fuel.

“It is important to verify as a customer that the pump nozzle is at zero, because failure to do so may result in you spending a lot on less quantity or may cause the trader to suffer losses.” She said.

She has also urged members of the public to report either to the police or the agency all cases of cheating by fuel attendants.

“It you see that the fuel attendant is not zeroing the pump nozzle, report them to their supervisor of the police, or even to the agency.” She added.

This comes in the wake of concerns by some motorists who alleged that some fuel attendants at filling stations do not give the correct quantity of fuel.

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