Tuesday, 3 November 2015


By MacPherson Mukuka *in Lusaka*

Lack of improved and affordable housing in Zambia continues to be a concern for many who can hardly put a meal on the table three times every day.
Where houses have been built, especially by Government housing construction companies such as the National Housing Authority, the prices tags are always an issue, and government wants to put an end to the cry.

Local Government and Housing Minister STEVEN KAMPYONGO has implored the new National Housing Board of Directors to provide required policy guidance and oversight in the Management of the Authority.

Speaking during the inauguration of the 10 member National Housing Authority Board of Directors, Mr. KAMPYONGO says the government expects the directors to blend and lead the Authority in the right direction of providing efficient, affordable, adequate and decent housing for all.  

He urged the Directors to ensure improved delivery of housing at the center of the Authority’s existence and business.

Mr. KAMPYONGO has further called on the Board to resolve complaints being raised by the public and Members of Parliament over the performance of the Authority.

Mr. KAMPYONGO has also urged the Board to improve financial mobilization and utilization by ensuring the authority’s revenues due from all customers are collected on time, and prudently used to ensure value for money.

He says the institution must also be proactive by having a deliberate policy of communicating and sharing programmes. Successes and challenges with clients.

And Board Chairman FRANCIS NDILILA has pledged his team’s commitment to ensuring that the Authority delivers to government’s expectation.

Dr. NDILILA says the board will work towards achieving President EDGAR LUNGU’s desire to have the Authority realigned and work in conformity with its mandate of building affordable and quality houses.
Meanwhile, Dr. NDILILA says the Board will also ensure that the environment t in which people leaver are kept clean.

In his speech to the 5th Session of the 11th National Assembly, President EGDAR LUNGU noted that the Authority has deviated off its mandate of providing affordable housing to the Zambian Citizen.



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