Thursday, 18 June 2015


By MacPherson Mukuka

The Year 2015, is without doubt one of the years countries across the globe will celebrate their successes in the science and technology industry.

This is simply because it is the year when World will remember having migrated from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting, a development which will remain alive for many years to come.

The Education Sector world over has equally moved a step further in the manner is delivering lessons to learners, and so is the case in Zambia at one of its institution of higher education, Evelyn Hone college.

The school last year launched the first ever, Creative Digital Media Course, and one year after the launch, strides are said to have been made and the sector is growing.

Education Deputy Minister Sydney Mushanga says Creative Digital Media has the potential to contribute towards job creation in Zambia.

Mr. Mushanga says the emerging industry in Zambia is expanding and offering employment to suitably skilled young people in both small and large companies in Zambia.

The deputy Minister said this in Lusaka when he officiated at the Creative Digital Media Forum under the Auspices of Evelyn Hone College with Support from Balleyfermot College of Further Education of Ireland.

And Evelyn Hone College Acting Principal Ignatius Ndabala says the launch of the course which is so far only offered at Evelyn Hone has generated an overwhelming interest among members of the public.

He said the institution has invested massively in the procurement of equipment needed to deliver lessons to the learners adding that the institution now has two fully functional computers laboratories with a capacity of 24 students each.

Meanwhile, Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA) the examiner of the course has expressed delight at the performance of first students in Creative Digital Media Course.

TEVETA Assessment and qualifications manager Fidelis Cheelo said all the first 7 students performed very well during in their first examinations.

And a creative digital media Technician Daddy Chitalu, who is also technical Director at Muvi Television said the introduction of the course means introducing more qualified human resource on the labour market.

He has however called for more publicity about the industry and make people understand its importance.

Science and Technology, CREATIVE Digital media to be specific provides the industry with an opportunity to develop competent workers, a human resource capital that will apply appropriate technical skills and design concepts to their work practice.

Furthermore the broader benefit lies in the application of digital media to every sector of society, business and enterprise that can employ modern communication technology such as education, health, tourism, and hospitality and manufacturing industry.

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