Thursday, 11 June 2015


By MacPherson Mukuka

 According to the International Labour Organization, around 215 million children in the World, work, many full-time.

The report indicates that the Children do not go to school and have little or no time to play. Many do not receive proper nutrition or care and have been denied the chance to be children.

furthermore than half of them are exposed to the worst forms of child labour such as work in hazardous environments, slavery, or other forms of forced labour, illicit activities including drug trafficking and prostitution, as well as involvement in armed conflict.

The theme of this year’s world day against Child labour is Say no to child labour and yes to quality education… narrowing it down to education, the basic education teachers union of Zambia (BETUZ), says it is difficult to tell how rampant cases of child labour are in schools due to differences in understanding of the term by different teachers.

BETUZ Deputy General Secretary Evan Chungu says stopping child labour in schools does not imply refraining from supervising the learners.

Mr. Chungu adds that learners and the general public must not mistake school preventive maintenance which is compulsory to all pupils for child labour.

He has further advised school managements not to relax in inculcating survival skills in the learner but was quick to mention that there is however need to mind the form of work the children a given to do.

By May 28th 2015, Zambia was estimated to have about 595,000 child workers in the, out of which, about 345100 are aged 14 or less. Many are employed in informal mining operations.
Zambia has strict laws against trafficking and child labour. However, implementation and enforcement of its laws has proven to be difficult.
According to ILO, child labour in Zambia is a coping strategy for the children and families when adult breadwinners die, fall ill, or when families are simply unable to make ends meet.

Zambia will tomorrow June 12, 2015 join the rest of the world in Commemorating World Day against Child Labour under a global theme: Say no to child labour and yes to quality education.

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